Monday, August 1, 2011

Middle Adulthood!

I enjoyed the powerpoint slideshow!  The first slide cracked me up because my dad was like the man in the picture.  He dressed old fashioned, like in his mind he knew he was old! He dressed like this until he decided to get back in great shape!  I remember being told by my dad that he was retiring from the LAPD and doing a private contract with the U.S. Military.  The next time I came home with my brother we saw that my dad was wearing all of our old clothes! He looked young, healthy and in great shape! He is currently in Afghanistan attached to an Army platoon.  He serves as the "Law Enforcement Professional", doing investigative work with how the Afghani's run their prison systems and gets evidence after I.E.D. situations involving casualties.
Before doing this Law Enforcement Professional job my dad was bored, grumpy and sick of doing the same thing at work.  He did not feel challenged which led him to not be himself.  His physical changes were amazing.  He was a lean mean fighting machine!  After getting in shape it seemed like he was just excited for life!
He says all the soldiers either have a tattoo or smoke, this is funny because anyone that knows him knows that smoking and tattoos are NOT an option for him!

When it comes to me, I hope that I am a retired U.S. Navy Operator.  That is my goal.  It is very difficult for me to think so far ahead because all the books I am reading at this moment are teaching me how to mentally stay focused and in the present.  Graduating BUD/s (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training relies upon how well a person can stay mentally focused.  I will hopefully have a career in the Navy and be retired by 40 years old.  After that I can see myself becoming a mentor to others that want to join the Navy and possibly doing off duty work with a police force of some sort.  I hope to have a family with maybe two children.  After my first three deployments I will hopefully be an officer and be stationed somewhere rather than traveling all over and being gone all the time.  To get there currently I train six days a week at least two times a day.  My workouts include running, swimming, calesthenics, injury prevention workouts, circuit training and mental health training which includes deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk and yoga.
As stated above to think further is difficult for me.  I hope I am like my father.  I want a great family that I love.  I want to be in good enough shape to run, jump, swim and play catch.  I also hope that my overall health is good.
In Erikson's stage 7 it states that the most important thing is to ensure and satisfy the next generation!  It is narrowed down to one simple word; Care. It is Generativity vs.Overextension.  I believe my father is gaining and gaining more in his generativity stage.  He is "making his mark", being successful,  and has said he is doing what he is doing in hopes that he can educate younger soldiers, citizens and people around the world.  He is the exact opposite of stagnation.  He feels connected to others but does not over extend himself in which he cannot take care of himself.  I hope in my odler age I will be like this!  I think my career in the Navy will inspire my self generativity in understanding that there is more out there than just me!  I am excited for life and excited to graduate and get out and into my career!